How homotopy theory helps algebraic geometry

 In spring 2025, I'm teaching a Master's course (M2) at Sorbonne.



Helpful sources:

  1. A. Asok "Algebraic geometry from an A1-homotopic viewpoint"
  2. T. Brazelton "Unstable motivic homotopy theory"
  3. A. Asok, J. Fasel "Vector bundles on algebraic varieties"
  4. M. Gallauer "Infinity-categories: a first course"
  5. J. Lurie "On infinity-topoi"



"A wise man loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach."

Anton Chekhov, From the diaries

Algebraic K-theory and Motivic cohomology

 In spring 2023, I taught a Master's course (M2) at Sorbonne.


Helpful sources:

  1. M. Hoyois’ lecture course on algebraic K-theory
  2. A. Khan’s lecture course on algebraic K-theory and intersection theory
  3. F. Binda and A. Khan’s lecture course on Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem
  4. D. Nardin's lecture course on Stable homotopy theory
  5. S. Kelly "User's guide to Voevodsky's correspondences"
  6. D. Grayson "Motivic spectral sequence"
  7. T. Bachmann "Algebraic K-theory from the viewpoint of motivic homotopy theory"